Falling Walls Lab 深圳站:给您三分钟,震撼全世界!

2023年9月, 德国学术交流中心广州代表处 德国驻广州总领事馆深圳技术大学共同举办了Falling Walls Lab深圳站比赛。

Falling Walls Lab是一个世界级的比赛,通过为突破性想法提供一个舞台,汇集了学科背景多样化的学生和早期职业专业人员。每年3月至10月,世界各地的著名学术机构会在当地举办Falling Walls Lab,推出该地区最具创新精神的人才。



北京理工大学博士生王帅提出了将大型结构送入太空的宏伟目标。© SZTU

突破性 – 提出的想法有多大的创新性?

专家评审团向每位选手进行轮番追问:每个人都能感受到比赛现场紧张的气氛。© SZTU

“这不是一个容易做出的决定。所有被选中的候选人都有自己独特的主题,在其自身领域中都具备前瞻性。但我们相信,我们已经选出了最佳选手来代表Falling Walls Lab深圳站参加柏林的总决赛。” Melanie Späthe(大赛组织者兼评审团主席)总结了评审团的最终决策。

2023年Falling Walls Lab深圳站获奖结果如下:


黄天旗,Breaking the Wall of High Cost of Distributed Water Treatment

I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the German Consulate General, the DAAD and the TU Shenzhen for this prestigious recognition as the winner of the Falling Walls Lab Innovator Competition. The Falling Walls Lab stands as a shining example of an open-minded and outstanding international platform. It has provided innovators from around the world with a stage to break down the walls of conventionality and push the boundaries of knowledge. Today, I extend a warm invitation to all young researchers and innovators. Join us in this remarkable journey where ideas know no borders. Together, we can harness the power of innovation to address global challenges. The Falling Walls Lab is more than a competition; it is a vibrant community of forward-thinkers who believe in the boundless potential of human creativity. Let’s continue to collaborate, inspire, and invite more brilliant minds to contribute to our collective quest for a better future.


一等奖获得者:黄天旗© SZTU


谢玉龙博士, Breaking the Wall of Blood Test

It’s really exciting to see many entrepreneurial founders in this international annual event, and we all had a great time exchanging future technologies and new business models. Many senior judges’ evaluations help us meet the market fit for our products, so we will establish a PCT patent system based on these advices, adjust pricing strategies, and explore new market channels. Let our smart devices change our blood sampling methods to achieve painless, dynamic, and intelligent.


二等奖获得者:谢玉龙博士© Hsieh Yu-Lung


汪璇, Breaking the Wall of Phosphorus Source for Li-Battery

I’m deeply honored to be recognized at the Falling Walls Lab Shenzhen 2023. This journey of unraveling the potential of phosphorus sources in Li-batteries has been both challenging and rewarding. I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Xiao-yan Li, Prof. Lin Lin and Prof. Bing Li for their invaluable guidance and unwavering support. Also, my thanks go to Falling Walls Lab for offering a platform that celebrates innovation and the fusion of ideas. To all fellow innovators, let’s continue breaking walls for a brighter future.


三等奖获得者:汪璇© SZTU





Nature Springer Verlag

2023年Falling Walls Lab深圳站大合照© SZTU

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